Chassis Design
On these pages, I will attempt to review the design process and the results from this phase of the project.  The frame and suspension are fairly complex interrelated topics.  I have attempted to break them down onto separately linked pages.  These pages will be updated as I continue to make progress through this design.  Most all projects go through the phases:

                           What you could do.
                           What you should do.
                           What you're going to do.
                           What you did.

It's obvious, but bears stating that there are far more things that you could do that things that you actually end up doing.  I will attempt to identify several of the "whats" which came off the list in the earlier phases because there is sometimes value in understanding why.

The first page is a primer on vehicle dynamics that I assembled.  As I started researching this project, I became a bit confused by the conflicting information available and decided to step through the topic and convince myself I understood the fundamentals.  This primer will not address what part to bolt onto your car, but I believe it can serve to help understand what is happening, why it's important and how important it is.

<- Updated Nov '13
<- Updated Nov '13
<- New Nov '13
<- New Nov '13
Copyright 2013, Leo Stearns